1.Online ID: Mpres360
2.Age: 20
3.Location: West Hollywood, CA
4.What type of gameplay do you play: I'm down with all types, but most of my time is spent in TDM or HTDM depending on what the group is doing.
5.Whats your KDR: (Currently watching a movie on Netflix but I'll update it here after)
7.From what site did you read about our clan:
www.mw2forum.com8.Why have you chosen to join: I've never been in a clan before and I'm looking for a solid group of people to game and have fun with.
9.What type of member do you want to be recognized as: Reliable and Funny as hell/
10.Competitive or Casual: 50/50 again depending on who I'm gaming with.
11.Please provide an introduction below and any other information you would like to include: Hey clan my name is Justin Lincoln (Mpres stands for Mr. President which was my original Halo handle when it was just LAN with friends) I'm a big gamer and mostly spend my time with multiplayer FPS games (Right now I just have Mwf2). My two best friends and I just drove from Wisconsin to California (Fuck right?) So my time is split between job searching and gaming. I may or may not be "good" compared to some of you, but I enjoy having fun and kicking ass.